We always try to provide you with accurate information regarding your shipment. Standard loading and unloading times are from 08:00 - 17:00 on working days. Please make sure someone is available to load and unload during those times, unless you have booked an order with a specific timeslot.
For international orders we provide a transit time, for instance your order will be delivered in 2 to 4 working days. At the moment we do not provide a specific ETA for these shipments, but you can always request an ETA in the platform in the active order overview.
For domestic orders an ETA can be provided. Oftentimes the partner carrier will provide this at the end of the day on the day before (un)loading or on the day itself. Please be aware that the ETA can change throughout the day because of traffic or other delays.
You will be notified per email when the ETA changes but you can always find it in the platform.
If there is no ETA available yet, you can request it in the platform and we will request your ETA from the partner carrier. You can do this by clicking the button in the order overview, see an example below.
Please note that an ETA is an estimation and can change at any time and should not be treated as a fixed pickup or delivery time. You can not derive any rights from the ETA nor can Quicargo or the carrier be held liable for exceeding the ETA.
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