Quicargo supports shipping to bol.com distribution centers. Please be aware that bol.com has strict procedures regarding packing your parcels and pallets and regarding booking specific delivery dates.
We recommend you to do some research first before booking your first order to bol.com. The bol.com platform offers several e-learnings and they have written a logistics guide. You can find the guide, unfortunately only in Dutch, here. We also have created a senders guide (in Dutch only).
We will summarize some of the main takeaways here for your convenience:
- You need to make a booking at bol.com in order to receive a specific delivery day.
- Important note: enter in the delivery instruction when placing an order to a bol.com DC that it is a fixed delivery day so our partner carriers are aware.
- You need to label all pallets/parcels on both sides, visibly. All labels should contain the address of the bol.com DC and a return address. The labels are generated by bol.com please make sure to use those.
- bol.com only accepts Europallets with a maximum height of 1.80M and a maximum weight of 680 KG. If pallets are higher or heavier they will be rejected.
Refusal of goods
bol.com will refuse your goods if you do not adhere to their standards and/or if you do not deliver during your fixed delivery day. If bol.com refuses your goods, the goods need to be returned either to the warehouse of the carrier or to the sender. Be aware that extra costs will be charged for returns and a possible second attempt. It is your responsibility to communicate the fixed delivery day, pack the pallets in a correct way and use the right labels.
Scheduling a second attempt
If you need to schedule a second attempt but the goods have already been loaded you need to consult with Quicargo to arrange a second date. You as a shipper can only arrange a second delivery date but you will need to coordinate with us to make sure it fits with the planning of the carrier that has the goods in its possession.
After you have arranged the second delivery date you can send the new shipping labels to us. We will forward them to the partner carrier to make sure the old labels are removed and the new labels are used.
The carrier missed my timeslot
If the carrier missed the timeslot of your bol.com delivery due to their own fault, not taking into account circumstances of force majeure (overmacht), they will need to make a second attempt free of charge. However, be aware to specifically state in your booking that it is concerning a bol.com delivery with a fixed delivery date!
Also, if you are shipping from another country than the Netherlands towards bol.com be aware that we are working with a transit time. For example: for Belgium your order will be delivered in 1 to 2 working days. Please contact us by emailing service@quicargo.com with your fixed delivery date, but always take the maximum transit time into account. We can not guarantee that your order will be delivered in 1 working day after loading.
If you have any questions regarding your bol.com delivery, feel free to reach out to us at any time!
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